"Pauline is an expert researcher with great analytical skills and an excellent eye for detail. She knows how to elevate the results to the best possible quality, contributing constructive criticism and helping with practical insights."
“Pauline’s thorough understanding of wildlife crime; the laws governing wildlife trade; and the parties involved in tackling the illegal trade in wildlife is excellent.”

Research and analysis


An overview of research projects *

  • Tackling Tiger Trafficking Framework

    Sarah Ferguson and Pauline Verheij (2022)

  • Black Business: Illegal rhino horn trade dynamics in Nhi Khe, Vietnam from a criminal perspective. A case study.

    Stoner, S., Verheij, P.M. and Wu, M.J. (2017)

  • Hva foregår I vår bakgård? Ulovlig handel med ville dyr I Europa (What happens in our backyard? Illegal wildlife trade in Europe)

    Miljøkrim, December 3, 2013, Verheij, P.M. (2013)

  • Reducing demand for endangered wildlife: getting the message right

    Verheij, P.M. TRAFFIC Bulletin, Vol. 24, No. 1, 2012, Cambridge UK

  • Wildlife consumption and consumers in Asia”, with a focus on Vietnam and China. A background paper for the Creative experts’ meeting on messaging to reduce consumer demand for tigers and other endangered wildlife species. Hong Kong 22-23 November 2011

    Engel, K. and Verheij, P.M. (Unpublished).

  • Developments in the struggle against the illegal Tiger trade

    Verheij, P.M., Engel, K. and Foley. K.E., TRAFFIC Bulletin Vol. 23, April 2011, Cambridge UK

  • Eliminating illicit demand for Tiger parts and products in China

    Nowell, K, Compton, J.C., Verheij, P.M. (2011). TRAFFIC, Cambridge, UK. (Unpublished)

  • Reduced to Skin and Bones. An Analysis of Tiger seizures from 11 Tiger range countries (2000-2010)

    Verheij, P.M., Foley, K.E. and Engel, K. (2010). TRAFFIC, Cambridge, UK

Header image: Geran de Klerk

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Research focus

Identifying (emerging) trends in various types of wildlife and forest crime on local, national, regional or global levels based on quantitative and qualitative research conducted through field missions and/or remotely.